Sometime the govenment disappear from our sight after the general election, but their presence can be feel in this place, in the worng way. Firstly... the prospect of curving of the causeeay bridge. don't know is malaysia fault or singapore fault... They wat the green light for teh constructing of the new bridge, we hesitated, but when we give. the malaysia side just jive themselves red light... Now Dr M blaming the incident to us! Wa nonsense! we allow, but u just cannot think properly. For the exchange of the bridge, we have set condition like allowing the free air space on the top of malaysia and selling sands to us at a cheaper rate, but now is malaysia who is hesitated now... Dr M.. don't blame the failure of the the contruction of the bridge to sngapore and keep out of ur country polilitic, following our LKY, not interfaring the government now, and the better part.... going to other countries to give talk.... Dr M? at home rotting and blaming everything to singparoe as if we own them a lot of money....
not talk aobut ohter countries.... now back to homeland... Government ask the mediacork to close down Mr brown column. For ur information, Mr brown is the infamous podcasting king in singapore... make famous with the bak cho mee podcast during the election time. WAAAA... the column can say to be his rice bowl... Having his rice bowl broken is the worse thing even in this economy, where u need to have mulipte rice bowl in order to sustein ur life in singapore.... I really feel bad for Mr brown. he is a great man, provding joy and entertain us using his podcast .... how come his column off the newpaper? just bcause of one column only? during the early part of the year, the govenment like him... now govenment hate him. Waht a irony! He is a "jack neo" just that jack neo show singapore through movies while Mr brown show singapore in podcast. Support Mr brown always!