Sorry, have been a month since i updated my blog
been busy with experiment , which only 30% of the time it work and the 70% was just a waste of time.
Now, today, at 1pm i got the worst thing happen to me.
Wa lau. laptop, u want to spolit also spolit in singapore ma. Y spolit here?
laptop laptop, u know in sydney, the technology is not very advance and u know to repair u here very expensive or not?
Y? tell me Y? spolit at this time and this place and at this hour when i want to type my report about my discovery of glycine betaine in haloarchaea species. now i cannot type and cannot do anything! FUC****.
My experiment spolit, never mind, can redo,
i cannot wake up in the morning,never mind, i return home late
Now, laptop spolit! Fuc*, laptop, u want me to have a operation on you like your cousin iPOD video 60GB?
U jealous of your cousin right? he got operation u don't have. Want me to operate on you right?
U know what? i will, once i have a screwdriver ( the very very small one), u will be SCREWED!
I will SCREWED U UP! u hear that, laptop? no, i should say, Mr Macbook Pro 1.83GHz? who really make a lot of noise from the fan.
i want to update the photo, i cannot now, cause my laptop spolit and the computer here is good enough for me to type. i cannot even do a new video based on my photo. WTF
Soon, Mr MACbook Pro. u will know it very soon. i will erase u and make a history. i will reformatted you till your WHOLE MEMORIES is gone. U recently blackmailing by having some of my precious photos with u... i know... i going to SCREW U UP and take my memories out of your brain. by then, i can do anything with u. ANYTHING!!!!1
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA (evil smile) HAHA (thunder strike)
Soon my new macbook frankestrain going to resurrect! YOU will listen to me, obey my command and do anything i ask u to do.... HAHAHA HAHAHA (shit, i am going mad about my spolit laptop)
i stop the nonsense now, i will update my blog ASAP after i repair my laptop myself... here i come!